Nokia is now running a new viral marketing website with a hint of upcoming announcement in about 101 hours time. The website, did not tell you what they are going to announce. The count down timer is about 101 hours and 30 minutes more from now, which turns out to be (7/7/08) Monday 5AM EST.
although someone has manage to find a NSeries logo in the flash file, it is not sure if Nokia is announcing a new service, software or new mobile device. Make your own guess according to this sentence in the flash movie, “A secret that can now be found within Nokia Download service, allowing the public- you, to find the key to break the seals. And see…”

What’s going on?
“Hundreds of years ago, scientists, artists and members of Royal families gathered to produce a clip of grand weirdness. A clip stranger and more amazing than anything that had ever been made before. But the clip turned out too weird! People went mad from seeing it and it was too much for the common man to handle. Thus the clip was locked away, in a mysterious box with four seals. The knowledge of how to break the seals has been passed down from one generation to another, hidden within the technological masterpieces of history. Edison's light bulb, the Wright Brothers' airplane and Apollo 11 all held the secret of unlocking the box. A secret that can now be found within Nokia Download service, allowing the public - you, to find the key to break the seals. And see…the weirdest clip. Ever made…”
After users, click the next arrow, users will encounter a seal to unlock, if users keep click the next arrow, there will have more seals to unlock, there are 4 all together.
To Break the seals, Nokia user must access the Download! service from their Nokia Mobile (Nseries and Eseries Supported). Users have to be update their catalog and find an application called "The Box" or "secret". It contains 4 files look like below (Application, Ringtone, Video, Wallpaper). Use all these 4 objects to solve all the riddles.
There are four seals to unlock. And I will show you the way to solve all the riddles.
1st Seals: 6 Pictures code Seal.
Method to unlock: To Unlock this, users have to download the Video files from Download! service. The video shows a magician perform different trick to summon and vanish things, users have to watch closely what the magician do and arrange accordingly the code like the video does.The Video Shown below.
Answer: Egg, Bird, Spoon, Knot, Rings, Spades
After you unlocked the 1st seal, the box will open and show you a very very weird clip ever made from Nokia (shown below). Till now, I still don't get the point what Nokia want to show us.
Once you unlocked first seal, you notice there some bonuses you can get. You can download Wallpaper, Portrait pictures and Video behind the scene of the weird clip. Also, you can get your T-shirt after you finish all the seals.
2nd Seal: The Ringtone

Method to unlock: Microphone needed for this seal, users have to play the sound clip called (The Ringtone) through computer microphone after clicked "record" button. The seal will be unlock once the ringtone recognized.
The Ringtone sound like below:
3rd Seal: The Wallpaper Scan
Method To Unlock: Webcam needed, users have to download and open a wallpaper called "The Wallpaper" and show in front the webcam and match the background beside the eye (Click the eye to start the webcam). This is quite annoying when the "eye" not recognized it. Be patient and the seal will unlock once succeed. The wallpaper look like below.
The Wallpaper
4th Seal: The Code Breaker
Method To Unlock: Last seal to be unlock, to unlock this seal, users have to install "The Application"(shown below). Start the application and type the code shown in the computer screen to get the answer, set your answer back to computer and the seal will be unlocked.
If you among 500 people to unlock all the seals, you can win yourself a special, limited edition T-shirt (No one has see this before), type all your detail and you are good to go!