1. Redang Trip with 'Hoodssss'
The best trip I ever had, everything I didn't try before, I tried on that trip. Like.. Snorkeling, Disco Dance, beach football, drink many salt water (sea water), jump from 2nd floor of the big boat into the sea (Very high!!), wearing goggle like 'so zai' go into dance floor -.- . Anyway, this trip happen around May 2009, before I go to UTAR, it was the best trip I ever experienced, if you ever have a chance to go, don't you ever miss it!
2. My next 3 years of education occurs here, UTAR.
Because to avoid get some 'poor / not interested' subject in local U (play play too much in Form 6!), after heavy discussion with my parent, I come to this university to continue my study, advanced to degree liao! No more uniform, freedom that occur here, UTAR (University Tunku Abdul Rahman), mine is Kampar, Perak Campus, together with Yi Fan, Aik Han, Chwen Hooi, Pei Sing, Jia Liang, many gok....and I Study 'COMPUTER ENGINEERING'
Quite tough for this subject, study E&E thing, Hardware, software, networking, programming, most of the computing subject, I guess a lot harder than computer science, (Engineering I guess....), gonna enter 3rd trimester of 1st year this coming Monday (18 Jan 2010). Quite satisfy my result so far, 1st trimester 3.95, 2nd 4.00, now total cGPA is 3.9517, of course very happy, but this just a beginning, hope the following trimester I can maintain my result, then PTPTN able to waive off! Then really 'tiok' ToTo liao, Hohoho~~ But quite worry about coming trimester, where the real challenge coming into this course.. Anyway, I will try my best.. Wish me!! and hope "Ang Gong Bo Bi"
Forgot to mention, my course for my batch only 26 people.. and 2 gals only.. lol.. While Computer Science got many leng luissss, zZzZzZz, don't know is people scare of this course, or what? Aiya nvm.. less people ma more job opportunity lo, meanwhile this course could earn a lot in future when I work.

3. My new partner, Dell Studio XPS 16
Hehe, study computer must have a good laptop ma, hor? Abo call study computer meh? Kiddin~~ Anyway, this happen on July 2009, my new partner that accompany me in UTAR, my Dell Studio XPS 16! Been use it to do A LOT of thing: Gaming, ppstream, Web surfing, doing assignment, Programming, and NOW -> BLOGGING, and more la... Lazy to review this unit, but if you want to purchase this laptop and want some opinion from me, e-mail me and I could share with you. Anyway, this laptop is very nice laptop!
Dell Studio XPS 16!
Hehe, study computer must have a good laptop ma, hor? Abo call study computer meh? Kiddin~~ Anyway, this happen on July 2009, my new partner that accompany me in UTAR, my Dell Studio XPS 16! Been use it to do A LOT of thing: Gaming, ppstream, Web surfing, doing assignment, Programming, and NOW -> BLOGGING, and more la... Lazy to review this unit, but if you want to purchase this laptop and want some opinion from me, e-mail me and I could share with you. Anyway, this laptop is very nice laptop!
4. My Niece, YuKi Teoh.
Born last year March 19, and now around 10 month old already. My brother's daughter named Teoh YuKi, she was cute, active, and quite naughty.. been take care of her along this trimester break.. and quite tiring.. Anyway, when you see her smiles, you really can happy and keep playing with her. Everyone really 'sayang' her.. more than me liao, shit! *Kidding*
Her Photo~
6. Born of Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB and Apple iPod Touch 16GB (2G)
An apple a day, keep the Bill Gates Away! I won the Apple iPod Touch 16GB 2nd Generation Edition from Norton 2010 Launch, my brother drive me to KL to get this prize, however, during this journey our car had an accident, and quite serious one, fortunately, no one injured. Anyway, quite love the new iPod Touch, really nice UI, easy to use, and really really nice.
If you still remember my posts, about Why iPhone may disappointed you. I did critic much about the iPhone, but after high demand on the market, and I loved my iPod Touch too, I decided gave a try, and now I got one of 'em! Subtitute my Samsung G810 (Spoiled already...) with Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB. Really really love it, no lag, nice UI, LOT OF APPLICATION, even though no 5 Mega Pixel (only 3 MP), but the quality of photo nice as well.. Now I realize, I want a phone that I can do much on it, not a phone that can do much for me.. mean -> A PURE SMARTPHONE, instead of a phone with only nice hardware specification (after bad experience on my Samsung G810).
iPhone is the best phone I have so far, and I really really love it, playing it everyday, and I never miss out my iPhone, have lots of application, and I never get bored to it! If you been thinking of getting one, you can go for it! And for Google Phone Nexus One, I not really know about it yet, and my sister plan to get one, if she get her hand one of those, I will share the review and info about this phone here.. Anyway, iPhone really beat most phone out there, Satio, 5800, n97, although those hardware specification better than iPhone, but if you want a nice user interface, nice to use, a pure smartphone.. iPhone is the one you want!
Born last year March 19, and now around 10 month old already. My brother's daughter named Teoh YuKi, she was cute, active, and quite naughty.. been take care of her along this trimester break.. and quite tiring.. Anyway, when you see her smiles, you really can happy and keep playing with her. Everyone really 'sayang' her.. more than me liao, shit! *Kidding*
5. Bye Bye Kancil, Hi Hi Saga
My old little white kancil has been sold, and trade in new Proton Saga, of course, my 2nd sister will drive Proton Saga, and I currently driving Perodua Kenari, huhu.. evolved liao. Quite satisfy with this car so far, nice to drive, and spent few hours to polish it during this trimester break, and now become really really shiny d!
My old little white kancil has been sold, and trade in new Proton Saga, of course, my 2nd sister will drive Proton Saga, and I currently driving Perodua Kenari, huhu.. evolved liao. Quite satisfy with this car so far, nice to drive, and spent few hours to polish it during this trimester break, and now become really really shiny d!
An apple a day, keep the Bill Gates Away! I won the Apple iPod Touch 16GB 2nd Generation Edition from Norton 2010 Launch, my brother drive me to KL to get this prize, however, during this journey our car had an accident, and quite serious one, fortunately, no one injured. Anyway, quite love the new iPod Touch, really nice UI, easy to use, and really really nice.
If you still remember my posts, about Why iPhone may disappointed you. I did critic much about the iPhone, but after high demand on the market, and I loved my iPod Touch too, I decided gave a try, and now I got one of 'em! Subtitute my Samsung G810 (Spoiled already...) with Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB. Really really love it, no lag, nice UI, LOT OF APPLICATION, even though no 5 Mega Pixel (only 3 MP), but the quality of photo nice as well.. Now I realize, I want a phone that I can do much on it, not a phone that can do much for me.. mean -> A PURE SMARTPHONE, instead of a phone with only nice hardware specification (after bad experience on my Samsung G810).
iPhone is the best phone I have so far, and I really really love it, playing it everyday, and I never miss out my iPhone, have lots of application, and I never get bored to it! If you been thinking of getting one, you can go for it! And for Google Phone Nexus One, I not really know about it yet, and my sister plan to get one, if she get her hand one of those, I will share the review and info about this phone here.. Anyway, iPhone really beat most phone out there, Satio, 5800, n97, although those hardware specification better than iPhone, but if you want a nice user interface, nice to use, a pure smartphone.. iPhone is the one you want!

My iPhone 3GS
iPod Touch (Right), iPhone (Left)
iPhone 3GS 16GB Box
I guess that's
Until Next Time, See ya!!
finally there is an update, haha. congrats ya, i heard ur result quite good rite? n oso congrat for the IPHONE! geng ar.
Haha, really finally la.. gam xia.. When free will update le la
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