Taken this photo yesterday, 7pm - Sunset Of Kampar
Just came back from UTAR, after attending 3 hours of practical for the Electronic Devices and Circuit subject.. Today is 2nd day of the trimester, and everything been speed up and very busy, life just like going to hell.. Monday class from 11am-7pm, while today from 8am-5pm, interval rest not more than an hour...
Yesterday was the 1st day of the trimester, when I drove my car, enter west gate of UTAR, passing by A Block.. My mind suddenly appear many images, these include those busy life, need to see those words on book again, miss Penang foods, and many more..

This is A Block (Heritage Hall)
I gonna attend my 1st lecture class of my 3rd trimester during that time, and that is Digital Circuits and Systems, knowing my life gonna like hell for more than 3 months again.. However, good thing is, MORE GIRLS in UTAR! New 'amateur' or junior of new in-take for January 2010, but not much time to peep on each of them.. since the timetable too tight!
Anyway, I'm already attended 5 subject already, left Data Structures and Algorithms that haven't attend yet (will attend on this thursday). Meet some new lecturers, some are weird though... Here is some comment on them:
Introductory to Statistic - Lecturer kind, teach quite well and plan everything for us already.
Digital Circuit And System - My 1st Trimester lecturer for Digital Fundamental, he is very very good lecturer
Electronic Devices and Circuits - Don't know where is he from, English spoke well, but the pronounce very very weird, but he definitely not from Malaysia.
Mathematics 2 - He teach very well, and he is cute, look and act very funny..
Object-Oriented Programming - Indian Girl, explain okay.. english spoke very well
Things go harder for this trimester, and I expected when the trimester break, and really gonna hardworking to achieve and score all the subject, hope my luck goood and I got the 'heart' to do that.. since I already been lazy... haha~
Anyway, very tired after attend those lectures and practical, gonna take a nap a while.. Good night, see you again.
lol, ur schedule is scary.
object orieted programming n digital circuit~@@~this 2 subjects own me 99 this sem~zzz
my laptop is dead...poor mac
any kai siao..i wan buy new laptop !!!!!
Let's PIA!!!!!!!!!!
buy mac book la, new 1, white 1.. look very nice.. if too cheap for u, go mac book pro, if no enuff, go alienware m15x, if really not enuff, go alienware m17x
u r so offensive
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