The next day....
When I woke up, the sky was still dark.. take out my iPhone and check on it, how come no alarm.. Suddenly notice that, there only 3.30am that time! Shit! And my throat getting very dry and pain..
Wake up and went to toilet, then keep drinking water.. then lying on the bed trying to sleep back.. Tic Tok Tic tok.. The time ticking, and I unable to sleep.. keep turning around on the bed, until around 4.15am. 'Beh tong' liao.. wake up, comb comb hair then drive to nearest 7-11 to buy 3 packs of Strepsils, which are Regular, cool and extra strong flavour... Keep eating, trying to cure my throat, eat eat.. then look at the back of the packing..
Instruction : Slowly dissolve a Strepsils into your mouth every 2-3 hours, DO NOT OVERDOSE.
OVERDOSE? I think I eat them every 2-3 minutes, I think I OVER OVERDOSE liao.. But cannot die gok la xD.
That day, lucky only one class, Data Structure and Algorithm.. Keep forcing myself to concentrade on the class, but the sore throat keep distracting me away.. Shit.. I want to recover ASAP.. that night (yesterday night), drive to Pharmacy (Traditional one) buy sore throat medicine, the pharmacist gave me this:
4 tablet of Dequadin Lozenge, I ate before, and 9 tablet of unknown black thing, told me have to eat 3 Black + 1 orange everytime..
On that night, lucky still able to sleep, I guessed too tired.. until today morning, my throat is still pain, but not quite serious as yesterday.. Later still got Digital Circuit and System Lecture. Hope it could recover faster. See ya~
drink 100plus. XP
Thanks for you comment jason!
I appreciate it..
Btw, the bak kut teh got so pro bo..
made you suffer 99..
Ya, drink more 100Plus, i also wan go beli later.. =)
take care@
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