Enter my room, then trying to charge my iPhone since it gonna drain out the battery already.. then suddenly 'szzzzzzz', a sound made of wing of insect, and I can confirm this gonna be a huge 1.. Then look around.. Holly shit!!! a HUGE CICADA! (in Chinese called 蝉), small 1.. okay for me.. but this, totally unacceptable.. call aik han, and he scare too, lol.. But we must get rid of it.. If not.. tonight it gonna sleep and overnight with me liao..

After set up a strategy, we formed a 'swat' team, and the operation codename is 'Cicada'. and we collect our weapon for the operation:
So, I use a stick, move away those thing nearby it.. and our brave Yi Fan go near it, and FASTER use the dustbin to cover it! Now we use some paper to cover below the dustbin, then move to the Styrofoam as the base..
Now we have caught the cicada, here come the problem, how to get it of it? After quite a while.. I suggest we bring the dustbin, together with the Styrofoam out our hostel.. then put far away, then we bring 1 more weapon for this operation:
Now we had set our location, I prepare the Asadi shoes and use 1 of the shoe to throw on the dustbin.. 'Pheeeeew' HIT ON TARGET!, now the cicada has come out the dustbin, no longer kept inside the dustbin anymore.. however, it don't want to fly, since it pretend to 'die'..
We take back our 'equipment', and faster evacuated back to our hostel, and - Mission Accomplished!
Anyway, tonight, is a good, bit scary, and quite exciting experienced we had in this trimester. However, I don't want it happen again! ^^
u updated so frequent, makes me feels like wan to blog so frequent too. XD
you cannot blog liao?
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