Sorry for didn't update my blog for quite a while, since I have A LOT of things to do when I back from KL.. so.. don't have much time to blog and share my KL experience here.
Anyway, last Saturday morning, I bought a bus ticket 8.30am, journey from Kampar to KL, to find someone important for me xD. On that day, woke up early in the morning (around 7.15am), double check whether everything is packed up and drink a box of Milo for my breakfast:
Ride the bus on 8.30am, Konsortium very good, the bus start journey to KL at the time. It took roughly around 2 and 1/2 hours, and I managed to arrive at KL Puduraya Bus station, at Plaza Rakyat there..

Puduraya Bus Station
Since this is the first time I come to KL alone, I'm not familiar with the environment and transport here.. first time ride LRT in KL... Lucky got bring my Touch N' Go card, abo need queue at the ticket counter for ages just for buying a ticket..!
My destination is at Bandar Tasek Selatan, and that time I at Plaza Rakyat, looking on the directory and map for the LRT.. and I know which LRT I should ride.. Ampang and Sri Petaling share the same platform.. so, whenever a LRT come, I just ride on it.. however.. for the 1st time, I ride wrong LRT.. because the LRT is going to Ampang, while I should ride Sri Petaling LRT.. Look very stupid, faster come out and find a way back.. feel like lost liao, haha.. so fast..
However, I managed to arrive my destination at last, feeling so happy lo~ After meet.. we ride LRT to KLCC.. notice KL lifestyle is very tiring, you have to be 'Sardin' to fit in the LRT, because everyone rush and push inside the LRT when the LRT door is opened.
When arrive, KLCC, we go to PetroSains, which is a science center of Petronas, quite cheap, only cost RM9.60, and we spend almost 3 hours in there! Many exciting exhibition to see, games, and more, not bad la, for 'Malaysia'. Please look below for the some photo in PetroSains.
After that, it was around 6pm, we continue our journey to LowYat, to look around xD. Then go to timesquare for some shopping.. and we managed to back around 10pm......
On the next day, we ride KTM to Mid Valley, it was the worst experience I ever had.. crowd.. really crowd in there, and you don't stand a chance to breath... lol. And I trip at KL ended around 6pm, and I ride bus at PuduRaya back to Kampar..

My bus platform - P19
Pai seh ar.. the journey actually quite nice, exciting, but too long liao.. quite lazy to type.. because very tired after back from class lol.. anyway, it was a nice trip anyway~